12 Best Content Marketing Courses in 2023

In the last few years, I have enrolled in more than a dozen free and paid content marketing courses to stay updated with new trends and get fresh insights from experienced content marketers in the industry.

The market is flooded with options. Many courses tend to rehash generic advice or lean too heavily into theory. Surprisingly, these courses often earn high recommendations from marketers, primarily due to their attractive affiliate commissions.

However, there are genuinely excellent content marketing courses available. These courses:

  • Deliver practical, results-driven skills.
  • Emphasize real business outcomes such as lead generation and revenue growth rather than just boosting vanity metrics like traffic.
  • Provide real-world examples of successful content marketing campaigns.
  • Offer a dedicated community and support to guide you through your learning process and beyond.

Here are 12 of the best content marketing courses I’ve come across, with reasons why you should join.

1. Grow and Convert’s Content Marketing Course

I recently completed Grow and Convert’s content marketing course and was impressed with the practical, results-driven approach. This course goes beyond surface-level advice and provides concrete examples for creating an effective content strategy.

A significant highlight is the in-depth case studies on building a content plan for different types of businesses. By walking through examples of a B2C company, SaaS business, service-based business, and eCommerce store, the instructors demonstrate how to tailor your strategy based on your unique audience and goals.

I loved seeing the spreadsheet of tailored content topics they created for each business. This hands-on approach is far more valuable than theoretical advice.

Another key differentiator is the focus on writing quality content that engages your audience. The course dissects examples of good and bad posts to illustrate what works.

I learned a lot from the line-by-line breakdowns of blog writing, and now apply the same process when creating content strategy for my clients. The lessons on using expert interviews and content outlines were indispensable.

Beyond writing, the course also provided tactical details on promoting content through paid ads, influencers, and targeted communities. I appreciated seeing real examples of connecting with the right people and distribute your content effectively.

Throughout the course, the community support and live Q&A sessions enabled me to get feedback and have my specific questions answered. I came away with a clear blueprint for creating content that attracts and converts my ideal customers.

I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to drive business results with a content marketing strategy.